

August was the most beautiful month ever! We were barbequing machines at Casa Rosado. I think my fish and chicken intake for the month tripled. We also have a BBQ dish we use to grill mushrooms, peppers, asparagus and such. It was beyond wonderful to grill so much fresh produce. The growing season is actually very short in Washington in comparison to other states. So with that in mind, I allow myself to eat way more than normal to make up for the freshness the other half of the year! We continue to use the vitamix blender to try and get the littles some extra veggies. I’ve gotten pretty good at sneaking in the kale, spinach, and flax flour. As of now..they are still drinking it!!! Hopefully, my secret doesn’t get out!

Greg didn’t have to work nearly as much or travel for work this month so we took full advantage. We went almost every weekend somewhere around the Pacific North West. First weekend we drove up the peninsula to Holiday Lake pass Gig Harbor for a extended family reunion. We tried to stop as often as we could at the State Parks along the way.  Second weekend we went “glamping instead of camping” We rented a cabin at the Kalaloch Lodge in the Olympic Forest.  It was still a bit windy but didn’t keep us from enjoying the Olympic Forest or the drive up Hwy 101, or the pretty ocean beaches. Third weekend in August we went up north to the VMAC to watch the Seattle Seahawks practice. I can’t explain my husband’s love of foozball, mainly the Hawks! He grew up watching the games with his dad Greg Sr.  They had season tickets so they were able to watch many games together. We also did several things up north. My brother lives in Issaquah.  We try and take the kids up to visit and play. We went to the Seattle Sounder’s practice field too. We swam at Lake Sammamish. There were lots of new playgrounds to visit. My kids are obsessed with feeding ducks. We have located most of the good spots from Olympia to Seattle for duck sightings.

{Girl's sleepover before school}

Olivia was going to kindergarten soon so we decided to do a sleepover party at the end of August.  I really wish sometimes I had 6 kids!! It was really fun. One of the reasons I’m reminded why 2 kids is great too though happened when I took all of them to the zoo, bought souvenirs, and out for lunch! Holy money bags! It gets expensive. But it was great fun! It reminded me of sleepovers my siblings and I had with our cousins in the summer at my Grandma’s house!

I flew to San Francisco to visit my friend Jess. We meet at church working with young women together.  We had a blast hiking around the hills of Marin CA where she lives and roaming around the bay area. She is married to the love of her life who happens to be a pilot with the airline she works for too. They do muy traveling together. I really miss her! Why’d she have to move and go to graduate school..blast her!!

I did take some quick pictures but I’m at work and can’t transfer them to my laptop. I get no cell coverage in here!! You’ll have to see pictures later. R



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